
CS 1101 Programming Fundamentals: Course Experience and Tips

Welcome to your first CS course at UoPeople Welcome! πŸ‘‹ Hi! In this article, I will describe my experience taking Programming Fundamentals at  University of the People . I know that you must be curious about this course if you are starting your CS journey at  UoPeople , so let’s begin! πŸ˜ƒ First of all, please let me tell you that I really enjoyed the eight weeks of the course.  Python  is used as the main programming language, and the learning process was very intense and thorough. πŸ“š Course Structure and Topics The course is structured in eight learning weeks (plus a ninth week for the final exam). Each learning week  starts on   Thursdays  and  ends on Wednesdays . During that week, you are assigned readings from the main book (usually one or two chapters). Additionally, you will need to complete and submit assignments during that week. No late work is accepted unless there were extreme circumstances, so be really careful about the due dates. ❗️ Sample learni

English Composition 1 — Weeks 1–8

Details of my experience at UoPeople. πŸ“š Content 1️⃣ During Unit 1 , we learned about  note-taking strategies  and  grammar rules . I think it’s great that  UoPeople  provides this course to give non-native English speakers the opportunity to prove their English proficiency and to improve their grammar and punctuation. πŸ’‘  Note:  This is a skill that we will definitely need during our degrees because all  UoPeople  courses require weekly written assignments, as I have been able to read in the syllabus repository. This week, I learned a lot about misplaced modifiers, dangling modifiers, sentence structure, the appropriate use of commas, semicolons, and conjunctions. 2️⃣ During Unit 2 , we were introduced to  pre-writing techniques  to brainstorm and plan our assignments. We also learned the basic structure of  paragraphs , the types of paragraphs, how to write an effective paragraph and the role of the  topic sentence . Mind mapping  turned out to be a very helpful techniq

Top Tips for English Composition 1 — A Student’s Inside Perspective!

A very challenging and rewarding course. πŸ‘‹ Welcome to My Experience in ENGL 0101! Now that I’m in my final week of English Composition 1 at  University of the People , I would like to share with you my top tips for this experience that enriched me as a person and as a student. My writing has improved tremendously, and I learned so much about English grammar and punctuation.  Let’s begin! πŸ˜ƒ πŸ‘ ✔️ Start Working Early in the Week and Meet Due Dates You should start working on your assignments very early in the learning week.  New content is released every Thursday and you have until next Wednesday to submit your assignments (the learning journal is the only assignment due on Thursday). I usually started my reading assignments on Thursday or Friday.  During this course, you will read stories from Oscar Wilde, Anton Chekhov, James Joyce, Agatha Christie, Neil Gaiman, and other world-renowned authors. The experience is really awesome, so I recommend starting to work very